Aquaponic Gardening

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I have a +/- 600 gallon tank with tilapia that has gone quite green.  I have tried covering it, feeding the fish less, etc.  Nothing is clearing it up.  I think I need to do a drastic water change to clear it up, but want to know how far I can push the change.  I have about 35 tilapia in the tank.  Any advice would be appreciated.

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What are your nitrate levels at?

Oh, and anytime you want to do a water change, go for 1/3 of the water. And make sure the water you add back in doesn't swing your pH.

Get yourself a couple of cat fish who love to eat algae :D

Can catfish coexist with Trout? Any other algae eating minsters I can possibly get at pet store??

UV helps control green water.  A 15w UV would work good for a system your size.

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