Aquaponic Gardening

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i have mentioned this on an old topic but no one has answered yet so i thought id try posting here, i had a lot of trouble of fish dying and my kH getting too low, eventually i stabilized the system but fish still kept dying and i couldnt find out why, now i have no fish left. i want to restock and start again but before i did i send the water off for a full analysis. i only know the tolerance of tilapia to the things we test for using the usual test kits but this anlysis shows me having very high sulphates (S04) i dont know if this has come from the lime we have been using?

also the analysis reveals a fair amount of nickel and also aluminium i was wondering if this is an issue and where it may of come from?

any help would be very much appreciated

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It's the fluoride.

What does the local city utility water report say is in your local water?

TVO >:)

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