Aquaponic Gardening

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In the tank.  We're brining in 1,000 - 1 to 1-/2 pound trout on Tuesday.  Come by and see them.

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Hi Phil,


Can you please send me your contact information, business address & hours of operation so I can come on by? Also, I would like to provide FREE advertisement for you. I work for PSNS&IMF and have connections through their "Green Commitee" that are definitely intersted in buying some fish, plus I have a Facebook page called Greater Northwest Aquaponics that I'd love to share your story on. Let me know. Thanks!!!

Sure Jeremy, next week would be fine. Monday through Thursday, 10:30 AM to 6:00 PM.  See and print the attached flyer  with directions, phone and email.  Anyone else want to come by let me know and we'll just make it a tour.


Thank you Phil! I will spread the word!!! I love supporting our local businesses, especially when it supports aquaponics. Curious... I have a pond half the size of your grow tank. I took your advice on starting out with feeder fish and my system has completely leveled out and is doing remarkable. In support of friends and family that want to make their own systems, I'm happy to get them started with some of my feeder fish (mainly because I want to trade feeder gold fish for trout). How many trout do you think I can safely grow in a 600 gallon pond?

How deep is your pond??

Is your dissilved oxygen 6ppm to 9ppm or greater??

Whaever your dissolved oxygen is you will have to double or triple your areation in order to load the tank with large trout, say 1-pound fish.  Nothing is more important for trout than dissolved oxygen in my opinion.  I have lost a lot of money, thousands of $$$, to disollved oxygen problems.


Also I am going to put up info on installing swamp coolers in green houses and to effect the cooling of water in tanks.


What ever number that I give you, you can triple the number if you load your tank with fingerlings and then cull them by eating them  as they grow larger.  The trouble with fingerlings for me is that I have to buy a tank for them or devote an existing tank to them, and that  takes a tank away from large trout to sell.  It appears that Huck's will be successful, but I cannot buy a fingerling tank until it is because I have a moratorium in expanding the infrastructure until sales show success.First time you coome here, unless you want trout to eat, don't buy any.  If you want them to eat bring an ice chest full of ice


My pond is approximately 4' wide x 15' long x 18" deep (48"x180"x18"=155,520 cubic inches = 673 gallons). I currently have 2 large air stones, 1 small air stone, a standard dome fountain, 2 frog fountain figures and my flood & drain tables bell syphon system that airates my water. You can't see the air stones or flood & drain spouts in the picture, but the fountain and frog fountain figures are very clear. I have read your post about disolved oxygen and looked into purchasing one but currently cannot support that purchase. Before I purchase any fish from you I WILL have the proper setup, ensuring that my dissolved oxygen levels are 6-9ppm as you suggest. You have never steered me wrong and I don't antisipate you starting now :-)


For the sake of arguement, lets just assume I have all conditions set to your preference. At 18" deep water in a 673 gallon rectangular tank, how many 1 pound fish would you put in? Clearly your opinion is valued here. lol



10. No let's wait for some one to wase in with his opinion.


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