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What's up with that?

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Yeah right! Everybody knows that CCRES invented aquaponics anyways.

Alexandre Letellier said:

Oh yes if it's about who "invented" aquaponics then no need to quote any contemporary dude...

The first recorded aquaponics system was the Aztec's... And they not only "invented" it, they fed their whole culture on it and it became an important factor in building their empire.

"These “floating gardens”  produced 3 crops a year and grew at least a half to two-thirds of the food consumed by the 200,000 residents of Tenochtitlan." This is humbling, we are still far behind in terms of incorporating aquaponics in our society... and honestly neverfear, you are not helping  :)

How did I miss this thread...

And did I miss something at the start???


There's no disputing McNurty's role as an early pioneer of what has become known as "aquaponics"... but many others have since refined the concept into what it has become today.. as Nate said...


Mind you though Nate...

(Murray Hallam defined a great deal of the contemporary terms and designs. . . i.e. who would have heard of or used terms like CHOP and CHOP2 systems if not for Murray?)


Well sorry... but no he didn't...

He did coin the terms "CHOP", although there's some argument about that... and subsequently "CHOPII" ...

But you would have, and could have... read all about them well before... on the BYAP forum...  ... where they were originally known as "CHIFT PIST".... and even "CHOPII" variations existed before Murray coined either of them as a marketing phrase...

Not that it really matters... but in the interest of historical accuracy... which seems to be a thread running through this discussion...

Ah yes... a "troll" indeed.... (I've been poking around)... and tipped their hand in a link they provided...

Another "johnny-come-lately".... that's been doing aquaponics since Noah was a boy.... and has an "e-book" (second rate) to prove it...


One thing you can clarify for me please Bevan.... is McNurty a business "associate"... as you sometimes claim... or is it just that you "represent this work (McNurty's)... and use it as a foundation for commercial aquaponics"


P.S... your systems are actually designed along the lines of the Speranos design and methodology... rather than McNurty's... and your acrylic kit systems a damn joke on the unsuspecting public IMO....


Perhaps you could link us to examples, with photos... of actual commercial systems that you have set up and/or operated... before claiming enough experience/knowledge.. to offer consultancy.. in the design of "commercial aquaponics systems"...

I'm really not getting what this whole thread is about. It's like we are all trying to talk to someone with a severe case of Autism. Seriously.

You clowns post on my thread with intent to derail.  You spell McMurtrys name wrong with intent so it cannot be linked in any searches.  Then throw in other names like that asshat Bevin to discredit.

Shame on all of you, are you all two year olds or what?  Maybe you're retarded, or just plain stupid eh!

Way to give the industry another black eye you jerk-off's.  You'all have left no doubt in my mind why McMurtry got as far away from all you idiots and morons as he could.  He gave his life on his mission to save this planet and all you misery monkeys profit from his work with disregard to him in every way possible.

Thieves and liars, that's what you are.  After reading your responses to my thread, I feel all dirty and need to shower it off, and I won't be coming back here again, ever!  So you all just keep it up, wallow in the mire and have a nice life scumbags!

My mis-spelling of McMurtry (McNurtry)... was a pure typo... I frequently mistype, and transpose related letters on the keyboard...

No offence mean to McMurtry at all... and you provided the link to Bevin... as pictures of McMurtry's work in practice...... (which ones??)...

Whereas "bevin" might actually be attempting to portray them as his own....


Frankly, there isn't a picture in the link you provided... that shows any aquaponics system, or growth.. of any significance whatsoever...


And as someone said previously... and your point is.... or, seriously, what are you trying to say in this topic...

Both Nate, and myself... have, and would quite readily... acknowledge McMurtry's work...

As much as McMurtry was an early pioneer.... his work, which was based on trickle irrigated sand media beds... has been substantially modified and improved... into todays "flood & drain" media grow beds...


And much of that work was done by the Speranos.... Tom and Paula Speraneo . owners of a small greenhouse operation near West Plains, Missouri...


Who modified the North Carolina State method and raise tilapia in above-ground tanks inside a solar greenhouse. The effluent from the tanks was used to fertigate gravel-cultured vegetables in raised benches.


In addition, the Speraneos manipulated the watering cycle... (timed flood & drain)...  and used selected tilapia hybrids adapted to cooler water temperatures.


The Speraneos estimated that they produced 45 to 70 pounds of produce for every pound of tilapia.


This was a significant improvement over the North Carolina system, which was getting a produce-to-fish ratio of 2 to 1....


So yes... McMurtry's work was/is important... but so are they works of others that have followed...

Now, now Rupert, without the help of that e- book that you call "second rate", I never would have figured out how to read a "water pump performance curve - chart"...  ;)

Read it like a year ago because I heard that they were building (or at least planning to build) a huge 55,000+ sq.foot AP Greenhouse facility in Loriain Ohio...maybe neverfear can grace us with some 'hard-core data' on what and how that project is producing today?

Bullshit!  You still don't get it do you?  It's in black and white, yet you fail to understand.  All the facts are already in evidence.  Yet you refuse to acknowledge.

So I'll spell it out for you.  There is not one person on this planet that has or can improve on McMurtrys work.  McMurtrys brain is hard wired for this, his work.  This is what he was created for.  He should have been dead a dozen times over because of his work, yet he is still here.  How many of us can say that? Most of us should have been dead for our pleasure, not for saving the planet.

Tell me, how many of you can read 500 pages of text in a single day, day after day, and retain every word?  Yet every single one of you butcher the text to such a degree that suits your own pitiful selves for profit.  Yeah, it's all about I, Me, and My, eh!

Them poor little black babies laying in the desert sand starving to death deserve a meal more than any of you gods.  You have your worshipers that you fleece for money, and give them nothing.

I fully understand now why McMurtry is the way that he currently is.  Thanks to all you "misery monkeys"!

Have a nice life!


If we want to be pedantic about things...


McMurtry's work was really a follow on.. as a student... of work done by D.C. Sanders.. (initially sand irrigated hydroponics...) in 1988....

"Sanders, Doug, and Mark McMurtry. 1988. Fish  increase greenhouse profits. American Vegetable Grower. February. p. 32.33."


McMurtry went on to publish his first paper, the one usually referenced in 1990... 

"McMurtry, M.R., et al. 1990. Sand culture of vegetables using recirculating aquacultural effluents. Applied Agricultural Research. Vol. 5, No. 4. (Fall). p.280.284."


And his PHD thesis in 1992...

"McMurtry, Mark Richard. 1992. Integrated Aquaculture-Olericulture System as Influenced by Component Ratio. Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State University. University Microfilms International, Ann Harbor, MI. 78 p."


The Speranos system was first written up in 1992...

"Durham, Deni. 1992. Low-tech polycultural yields, high profit. Small Farm Today. June. p. 23.25."



But none of them were first... The New Alchemists date from the late 80's - 1991...


But they weren't the first either...


And "Sneed" usually doesn't feature on anyones aquaponics "history" radar... although he published in 1975...

 "Sneed, K. 1975. Fish farming and hydroponics. Aquaculture and the Fish Farmer. Vol. 2, No. 1. p. 11, 18.20."


And Sutton & Lewsi 1982...

"Sutton, R.J. and W.M. Lewis. 1982. Further observations on a fish production system that incorporates hydroponically grown plants. Progressive Fish Culturist. Vol. 44, No. 1. p. 55.59."


And Willaim Head.. of Oregon University.. pre-dates McMurtry...

"Head, William. 1986. An Assessment of a Closed Greenhouse Aquaculture and Hydroponic System (Tilapia Diets). Ph.D. Thesis, Oregon State University. University Microfilms International, Ann Harbor, MI. 127 p"


And then there's Rennert & Drews 1989...  

"Rennert, B. and M. Drews. 1989. The possibility of combined fish and vegetable production in greenhouses. Advanced Fish Science. Vol. 8. p. 19.27."


Don't get suckered into the "skewed" and heavily revised "wiki" history of aquaponics... it used to be good, and basically factual... until those with "vested interests" began to edit it into the purile dribble it is today...



It's definitely not Bevan. This is a youngster - you can hear it in his emotional over-reactions to everything. This puppy love/hero worship thing he has going speaks to his youth as well. Bevan is looking to cash in on McMurtry's work by association. This clown thinks the sun rises and sets out of the crack of McMurtry's you-know-what.

Loser and a Troll pretty much covers it.

For the record, McMurtry has continued his work on a daily basis to this day.

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