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What's up with that?

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What sort of Data are you looking for?  Keep in mind this is still a social networking site.

probably growth rates, electrical consumption, yield rates, stocking ratio's, and a myriad of other things people looking to go commercial want to know for free... lol

Here's my DATA : (for free)

Fish tank volume : 0 liter

Grow beds : 0 liter

Fish weight : 0 kg

Stocking ratio : 0 kg/liter 

Plants : none

Growth rate : 0

Electrical consumption : 0 kw/h

There, hope that helps ...

Pet stores have pretty little fish, and sandwich shops toss in a piece of lettuce with every purchase.  If I were looking to buy into 'someones' "system", I would want to know what I could get for my money and labor.


Does seem any hint of a system larger than a salad bar makes people more reluctant to want to offer advice. My thoughts are in order for this to move forward helping people interested in the larger systems would be very important to our future. I doubt many will get rich in this field at this point in time. Seems there could be great potential at some point in the future. If we share information. Otherwise it will end up another mega corporation in control of our food supply. My data to date is energy usage up 110 dollars last month, fortunately I do not need to heat or artificial light. Construction and natural resource costs, fairly high. Myriad of problems? yes, amazingly well however. There is lots of data on technical information such as PH, testing nitrates etc. on this site which provides much help. My high PH might have been, or be the deal breaker so I strongly recommend anyone interested test and understand the ramifications of their water source. Also seems the planning and education could go on forever before building a new system. Luckily there is more info. out there everyday. GL

Damon Polta said:

probably growth rates, electrical consumption, yield rates, stocking ratio's, and a myriad of other things people looking to go commercial want to know for free... lol

Isn't that what phots and videos are for? I'm confused. Data is nothing more than numbers, which in computer speak, turns into a series of zeros and ones. A single jpeg image, therefore, has over 100k of data for you.

Methinks I spotted a troll...

No time (or money) left to reinvent the wheel.

First, a tid bit of history:

Origin of the phrase "The real McCoy"

...The saying "the real McCoy", meaning the real thing, has been associated with Elijah McCoy's invention of an oil-drip cup, for which he was well known. One theory is that railroad engineers' looking to avoid inferior copies would request it by name, and inquire if a locomotive was fitted with "the real McCoy system".

Now then, Dr. Mark McMurtrys invention of "IAVS" is "the real McCoy", yet out of the thousands of 'wannabe's' that have waisted millions of dollars, none of them even know his name, or the biology, science ((from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge")) and or math behind what you'll call "aquaponics".  Dr. McMurtry fought the battle of his life to make certain that his inventions could not be copywrited or patented, asking for nothing, save one.  If you're going to copy it, copy it right!

Shame on all of you for giving the industry (and/or hobby) a black eye.

And before you say it, rest assured, I am NOT Mark McMurtry.  I'm merely 'a concerned member' of this "social network".

neverfear (Bob)

"Shame on all of you for giving the industry (and/or hobby) a black eye." 

SHAME ON ME (granted)

And on a brighter note... How's your system going neverfear ?

I have the data, and I have not waisted a single second of my time, and or a single penny of my money, period!

That's where you're clearly quite wrong. Hence this board topic. What a waste os cyber space.

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