I've been mining knowledge and technique from various posts and threads to come up with an aquaponics setup. I'm pretty much there except for fish. I saw your post from May-ish offering blue and red tilapia. I don't know the logistics of shipping fish as I am totally new to aquaponics, could you let me know the basic cost of your fish and what shipping looks like (if it can be done at all).
I recommend tilapiasource.com. Especially if you want high quality with both male and female for breeding. A mixed shipment is about $.75 per fish, I think and shipping (overnight air) is about $75. I just received an order of 50 mixed fish for a total of $114. They sent extra fish to account for losses, and so far I have a 95% survival rate after a week. They are about 1" long and very hearty.
Another source if you want all male fish is Lakeway Tilapia, but I have not ordered here.