Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Tilapia of Choice/Best place to Purchase in Phoenix area

Hey Everyone, I'm brand new to this so not really sure where to post but I have a few questions. I just finished building my first system (a few start-up pics are on my prof. system has come a long way since those pics though) been cycling my 400gl system for about 2 and 1/2 weeks now and things are looking really good. The plants are taking off and my readings are: PH - 6.8, Ammo - between .25 and 0 (hard to tell), Nitrite - 0, and Nitrate - 40.

I believe that my system is getting very close to adding fish. I would love your opinions on what breed of Tilapia you prefer here in the phoenix area and a good place to purchase.

I've been leaning toward Blue because of their ability to handle lower Temps than other breads and because some say they are the best tasting. What do you all think.

An other advice you all can give would be incredibly helpful.

Excited to join this journey with you all.

thanks so much

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A source might be closer than you think...



They can at least point you in the right direction...

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