Aquaponic Gardening

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Tilapia Fingerlings In SW Washington and NW Oregon Area?

Still desperately looking for a supply of Tilapia fingerlings (or fry) in my area.  Anybody know of any? Thanks so much! 

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I am looking to buy some fingerlings of talipia so I can start my aquiponics can you help me?

Matt Burns said:

I have talipia now. I am setting up a breeding tank.  I hope to be able to sell small ones for people in the area within 6 months, but I am sure I'll have some issues and it will take longer for some unknown reason. I went to the Oregon fish and game wildlife website and searched for people on there.  I did not choose to be listed yet because I am not ready to sell.  I am in the Beaverton area by the way.....



Michael hasey, I emailed you a few weeks ago and still you have not respond. Whats up I need fish. Kinda looks bad

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