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A NY Times article pointing out the weaknesses of organic food production. Will local aquaponics be the next era?

Also watch as the mega corps gobble up organic companies

Mega corps will eventually make organic policy in DC.

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"Mega coprs" and large agri business have been making government policies for decades. They don't directly make the policies but they employ armies of lobbyists that give out billions a year to our politicians. A recent decision made by our supreme court made it so that the politicians do not have to account for their bribes, I mean "campaign contributions". We now have NO idea who is buying our elected officials votes. Another strategy for these crops is to get thier "former"employees appointed to high and influential government agencies such as the FDA. It is extremely disturbing to see how many FDA heads have Monsanto ties. Many other offices have similar conflicts of interest between the policy makers and the policies.

Was that the ruling that a corporation is a person?

Chris Smith said:

"Mega coprs" and large agri business have been making government policies for decades. They don't directly make the policies but they employ armies of lobbyists that give out billions a year to our politicians. A recent decision made by our supreme court made it so that the politicians do not have to account for their bribes, I mean "campaign contributions".

That wasn't recent, but Citizens United gave corporations the power of a person to conglomerations, except more money.

George said:

Was that the ruling that a corporation is a person?

The Times article says a lot for buying Local/Sustainable, rather than Organic, which is a regulatory term.  Sustainable will persist, here at our house anyway.  Organic will probably endure too, so long as there is a market, even though it may not have been produced using sustainable methods and it may have been shipped a couple of thousand miles. 

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