Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I just want to say a big "thank you" to all who I met at the Orlando conference. I had a great time.

It was a bit overwhelming and amazing to be with so many like minded folk.  It was great to meet , in person, so many of the "forum" identities.
I came away with very positive feelings for the future of AP, and a head full of very happy memories.

Everything was so well organised, Thanks Gina and Sylvia. What a great event.

So many of you said that you would email photos to me.....Please email me the photo of us together. My wife wants to see them.......she really,really does.   murray(at)


Can't wait untill the next AA meeting...

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It was an honor and pleasure having you there "Papa Murray"... ;-)  Not only did I learn quite a bit from your knowledge and experience, but it was fabulous meeting the man whose videos were (for many of us) the primer and inspiration to delve into this brave new world known as AP.  So I personally would like to send you a big "thank you", for coming to our side of the planet and joining us for the maiden voyage of this Aquaponics Association.  It was an awesome weekend!


Murray, thank you for showing your surport to the new association. It wouldnt be the same with out you.

i agree with Chris, you are a major insperation to aquapons at all stages, and it was a honor meeting and talking with you.

here are the few pics i had,








Mom was stoked when she talked with you. 







Thanks for those photos Rob.  Brings back memories.

More photos please, if anyone else has some to post.

Mahalo Murray for everything, your DVD's, everything you share, and especially coming to the conference and giving your support.  I have my WWOOFers watch your DVDs as there are clear, concise, extrememlyinformative, and some times amusing.  Again a big Mahalo

All the best events go by so fast, and this one was certainly a wonderful blur...  

I'm still recalling stories that remind me of all the good people I met and reconnected with.  Thanks much to all those that organized and participated.  Definitely looking forward to the next one!  



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