Aquaponic Gardening

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With strawberries, broccoli and cabbage about over, I'm looking at the next crop..


Any thoughts on these for the summer season:
  • carrots (gravel bed or vertigro? what do you think)
  • polebeans (vertigro)
  • sweet corn (in the gravel bed I presume - but it may be too wet)
  • southern peas (vertigro)
I'd like to get some swiss chard going too as I'm down to one plant.
I already have various lettuce, tomato and pepper going. Also culantro, basil and mint. I can't forget parsley, rosemary and thyme (maybe I need Sage to to complete the song).
Then for fun there is a pineapple and aloe in the gravel bed. 

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yardlong beans are good for our hot summers as is jicama (jicama would have to be in a grow bed as it could bust open a vertigrow.


cucumbers would be good.


I'm gonna try popcorn this summer.


We gotta plant some sweet potato and peanuts again. (peanuts will be in soil though, I'm not sure how they would peg in a gravel bed.)


I had not thought of Jicama - thanks.


I'd love to get Chayote Squash to grow, but have never had any luck with it (either in soil or growbeds). I may try again just because I'm stubborn.

Squash probably needs to have plenty of potassium and well as enough iron through early growth.  I think my lack of success with squash, gourds and cucumbers in my big system has probably been because of my high pH and lack of or lock up of Iron.  I would probably recommend dosing with chelated iron as well as maxicrop just after the squash sprouts.

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