Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hi All,

I have an infestation of what I am told are spider mites - very tiny little bugs that are eating/killing the leaves of my awesome plants. The leaves eventually shrivel up and die and then the spider mites just crawl up to another leaf. I think I got them, from some seedlings I bought at Whole Foods - never doing that again.

How do I get rid of them? I tried cooled chamomile tea but no luck. Is garlic juice the solution?

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Mark, have you tried soap and water solution. I use 2 tablespoons to a quart of water, Pour it into a spray bottle and squirt away.



Thanks for the suggestions. Will not the soap kill the fish or the beneficial bacteria? What soap do you use? Something that is biodegradable?

Don't use soap... if it gets into the water it can coat the gills of the fish and they can die... even with very small amounts.

I've been using dish soap, not detergent but soap for the last 2 years for white fly and cabbage worms. With no problems. You just mist the backs of the leaves, don't dump it on the plants and into the beds.

I think Murry is the one who recomended this....but I could be wrong....


This topic has been well covered previously. You might want to search.

Converse claims to have a solution to spider mites on this post:

compost tea aerated and mixed with h2o

George, you are right. This and all topics have been covered. However nothing kills comunity and conversations as much as....  You might want to search

It stops "newbs" (not calling you a newb, Mark) asking questions, and participating.



Not to be a dick Steve, but the search field is your friend and is part of this community...Make it your buddy...get to know it intimately...

Greetings Mark,

Yes, Freshly Brewed Worm Casting Tea DOES work for get rid of spider mites. It is not just my claim. It is also backed by research posted online by the Ohio State Univ. Soils Research Lab (world respected lab and sound research), where you can actually see the results.... I also have had many people locally actually use the stuff and reported their crops were saved.

The great thing about worm casting tea is that it is safe to use in conjunction with your AP system.
I hope this is encouraging to you. Follow the link you posted above for the directions. Let me know if you have any questions.
My best to you in your battle with these spider mites.

- Converse

I agree Vlad, but I was a newb, and the Mates from down under flamed me for not searching and researching first, when I asked a question. I've never posted again. (though I read constantly)

As Mark said there is

Converse claims to have a solution to spider mites on this post:

compost tea aerated and mixed with h2o

There are always new people with new info joining a thriving forum community so if questions are never re-asked then new information and solutions are never added to the mix.


Hi all,

I am a relative Newb (my AP system has been running for 4 months) and I did a search for "Spider Mites" before I posted and found nothing. I don't know why it came up with nothing, since the thread/post I refer to (Converse's compost tea solution) was started Sept 2, a few days before I posted. Anyway, please believe me when I say that I don't want to waste my time posting if the solution is already available, and I don't want to waste other people's time responding to questions already covered.

Thank you to all who have offered support on this spider mite issue. Hopefully, others will find the info useful as well. This forum is one of the best I have ever experienced and the many people who support Newbs is one of the reasons why.

Thanks again,


You could be right but neither seem to be dead.  I'll add that I've had my feelings hurt here too because I'm such a sensitive guy.  The thought of just not participating has occurred to me more than once.

I've used search a number of times and it has worked for me.

Steve Champion said:

George, you are right. This and all topics have been covered. However nothing kills comunity and conversations as much as....  You might want to search

It stops "newbs" (not calling you a newb, Mark) asking questions, and participating.



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