Aquaponic Gardening

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shalom from jerusalem

have 2 ponds one about 380 liters with about 20 carp about 6cm and a deepwater system grow bed about 2 sqaur meters  the second pond about 600 liters with about 30 koi also about 7cm growbed volcanic stone about 2 sq meters  qeustion what is the ratio between growbed size amount of fish to get maximum growing efficiency???

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Hi, I think the going general consensus here is of a 1 to 1 ratio of one unit (gal. or lt.) of grow bed to each 1 unit of fish tank.  This assumes that the media type you use takes up about 60% of the grow bed space and a depth of about 1 foot or 30.5cm. Typical Hydroton media does fill 60%, various gravels vary but should be easily calculated. 

Here's a link to a guide here by Sylvia where she describes this and other important ratios for AP. 

I hope this helps and that your system prospers.

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