Aquaponic Gardening

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Does anyone have any experience with the use of waste foods to enrich AP system chemistry?

Potatoes, and particularly the peels, are rich in potassium, iron, and magnesium. 

I'm thinking that the worms can process the waste and add trace minerals to the system.

I have a pretty new system and it isn't too tough to peel up some media to bury the peels in my GBs and see what happens.

I searched and didn't see this topic covered. Can anyone think of advantages or drawbacks?

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Hey there Hank,

We pretty much feed all of our veggie based kitchen scraps to our worms which are in worm bins separate from the AP system...and then harvest the castings and 'brew' them directly in the system. I'm not saying putting scraps directly in the GB is necessarily a bad idea...but I prefer to keep things separated. There are other folks who add scraps directly to their GB's. You might check with them for some advice/experiences...

Some were/are using a "worm feeding station" in the might be of some interest to you...

A lot of times people will write about something new that they've recently done, but not follow up on how it all worked out...good or bad. Seems like it would be just fine, as long as you were reasonable about it...

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