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The pacu are growing at a freakish rate.  Has any one ever eaten one?    they look tasty

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Here you go:

Tambaqui is the Brazilian name for Pacu;



Thanks  I have raised this gian characin to 30 or 40 lbs before but never tossed one on the grill.  I talked to a columbian who said they are very tasty
It's a dark meat fish...some like it but many don't.

It's come up in discussion before with a number of knowledgeable folks chiming in with their opinions:


John - here you go, you might need to brush up on your Portuguese.... 02/11/2011 - Tambaqui na Brasa - YouTube 02/11/2011 - Tambaqui na Brasa. TVSECULO21 1334 videos. Subscribe Alert icon Subscribed. Sign In or Sign Up now ...


There are some comments on eating them in wikipedia. Apparently Teddy Roosevelt thought they were delicous and the Brzilian's like to eath the ribs. I have started my system with them but need to get another 50 or so. Do you happen to know of a source for them in the US. Preferably SE or Florida? Tx Hap Perry

Hap - I have not ordered any as my winter temps are to low.  If I ever move inside I want to raise them.  They are a cool fish and a lot of fun.


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