Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hi all!

Yip, I'm new to the forum and to the topic of aquaponics, however, I am a fast mover and have decided to build my own system at home (in the suburbs) and farm with tilapia and greens. Problem is that I don't know of anyone who is already doing this around Cape Town and I have no experience in doing so. What I would like to know is if anyone can send me some info or direct me to a website where I can get a step-by-step guide to building my own system at home? Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks :D

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You can check out my video channel

It is a small system but you could scale it up to larger tanks and growbeds.

You can also look up barrel ponics as Travis Hughey has written a wonderful free manual with step by step instructions for building it out of blue barrels. Manual link near bottom of the page at this link.

And there is the IBC of aquaponics which is a great resource for learning about IBC aquaponic systems.

BYAP and the IBC of Aquaponics

Thank you both very much! I thought I'd just let the world know that aquaponics is taking hold here in South Africa - I am off to see my first system this morning, in Paarl (near Cape Town) and I would say that the general idea or concept of self-sufficiency is growing here rapidly as well. Just thought you may like to know...

Happy fishing!

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