Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hi guys,

Good day,

Thank you, admin for the approval. My name is Giovanni Carlo. I am new here and I want to learn more about aquaponics. I am a fish keeper since I was a kid and had kept a fish for a long time already that is why I am so interested to learn in aquaponics so that I can have 2 in 1. I can grow fish and vegetables too. vegetables are quite expensive in our place and that is why I am thinking of making an aquaponic, also, I am interested to learn on how to setup airlift pump in my aquaponic to save electricity since electricity here in our place is expensive too. life is hard here that is why I am looking to find ways to save. Do I want to learn how to make an airlift pump anybody have a simple design to follow?



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Welcome !

               I think it is awesome that this site can help in so many other countries. I don't have experience with airlift yet. I was just looking over some designs of others recently, it appears to me that unless your trying to pump water up a great distance, the cost of running a 40 watt air pump ver a small fountain pump is very close in cost, in terms of electric power used.

             Aquaponics is the way to go for you I am sure of that. You would be amazed how big a system you can maintain with a small 5 foot fountain pump. (meaning the pump is made for fountains and can pump water 5 feet high) 5 feet = 1.5 Meters about. in my area a fountain pump with this range is about $ 30.00 us dollars (USD 30 = PHP 1431.28)

          I ran my pump this size last year on a timer. It was on 15 min. then off 45 min. I hope this helps You. I am not trying to change Your mind, just sharing what I do. I also make parts of my system with recycled materials. a bell siphon made with a coffee can and a 1 liter soda bottle, a plastic salad container with a hole slit in to protect the electric cord plug from rain, for example.

       Happy Growin to Ya

                                     Wild Dog

Hi Chris,

Thank you for the warm welcome, yes your right, I thought that airlift can lift water using 20-watt aerator, I guess I am wrong. 

Can I see your aquaponic design? can I copy it?



Chris " Wild Dog " S. said:

Welcome !

               I think it is awesome that this site can help in so many other countries. I don't have experience with airlift yet. I was just looking over some designs of others recently, it appears to me that unless your trying to pump water up a great distance, the cost of running a 40 watt air pump ver a small fountain pump is very close in cost, in terms of electric power used.

             Aquaponics is the way to go for you I am sure of that. You would be amazed how big a system you can maintain with a small 5 foot fountain pump. (meaning the pump is made for fountains and can pump water 5 feet high) 5 feet = 1.5 Meters about. in my area a fountain pump with this range is about $ 30.00 us dollars (USD 30 = PHP 1431.28)

          I ran my pump this size last year on a timer. It was on 15 min. then off 45 min. I hope this helps You. I am not trying to change Your mind, just sharing what I do. I also make parts of my system with recycled materials. a bell siphon made with a coffee can and a 1 liter soda bottle, a plastic salad container with a hole slit in to protect the electric cord plug from rain, for example.

       Happy Growin to Ya

                                     Wild Dog

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