Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I've been keeping fish on and off for many years and recently took up gardening, mainly just different vegetables. Since we live in zone 6b and hate loosing my hot pepper plants each winter, so began looking at alternative growing since we can't put up a greenhouse. Then we went to Disney this past December and did a tour of their Land & Sea exhibit and was fascinated by aquaponics. This started my quest for as much information as possible. I don't have much to add in terms of knowledge on the subject, so I'll most likely be lurking for a while and absorbing the great information here.


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Welcome! You came to the right place. There is a TON of information here. I have been on this forum for almost a year. There are lot of people with a lot of knowledge and everyone is very helpfull. Dont be shy and good luck.

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