Aquaponic Gardening

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I am planning to start my first aquaponics system. It is a 150 litters trial system and first in Delhi(India).

I have some basic knowledge and looking for your support to start this systems. I have some question and need your suggestion.

I want to know what would be the right quantity/dose of ammonium hydroxide I need to use in my 150 L trial system. Should I plant the grow bed now or wait for some time.   

Thank you

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You might read this blog post here about cycling your system:

Sylvia recommends 5 ppm ammonia. You can find conversions about ppm to calculate how many mg to add; i.e.


I have not yet gotten my system put together yet, so I'll be curious also about when people usually add plants to their systems - I'm assuming a few plants should be added early on in the process to help use up any nitrogen bacteria is able to make from the ammonia, but also assume you should not add too many plants since there will not yet be sufficient nutrients for them.

Hope this helps?

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