My hawaiian golds have done what they were put on this earth to do (besides taste good with lemon butter), and I have two females in my breeding tank that are holding eggs.
This is my first time with tilapia fry, and I'd like to set up optimal conditions. Any feedback or links are appreciated.
I have two 10 gal breeding tanks that I'm going to set over the weekend. I'm specifically looking for tips re: food and filtration.
I've read brine shrimp; can I just powder the medium feed I have?
What can I do so that the fry aren't sucked in the filter?
I lost my fry. I couldn't capture the female to separate her, and the eggs didn't seem to hatch. I keep my tanks in the low 70s in the winter to keep costs down, and they don't breed or grow so much at the lower temps. I'll be trying again in a few weeks.