Things have been running mostly smooth with just a few hiccups. My ph dropped dramatically when I added some water from a barrel that once had vanilla then was rinsed with vinegar. I Added a small handfull of crushed eggshell about the 29th My PH is now high by a wide range test (about 8.5) but shows almost perfect by a pond-care strip test (7.0). As you can see I put a lot of duckweed, azola, some fern like plant, and water hyacinth. The hyacinth is doing very well and flowered beautifully over the last couple days. the Duck weed and azola have shrank to less than half I dont know if the fish are eating it or something else is happening. The fish do not seem to be interested at all in the small amounts of Hikari Gold fish food that I have given them, However they are still very small. I put about 40 baby's (very small) I see them swimming around fairly often but it is impossible to count them. I believe that I have more than enough aeration but do not have a test for it.
I am open to suggestions, ideas, questions, and constructive critisisms