Aquaponic Gardening

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From "dude, what's going on?" to "Nitro bacteria of the world, conquer my system!".

At first, my ammonia levels were too high. System was completely aseptic, no living being could habitate it! Diluted the water to 6 ppm of ammonia. A couple of days later I recorded the first traces of nitrites. Then, only 3 days more, and the biofilter jump started! Ammonia levels dropped to 0,25 ppm, nitrites went to 5 ppm and nitrate to 40 to 80 ppm!

It's amazing but bacteria are really drawn into de system under proper environment!

This has been an incredible ride! I feel both moved and proud of having started my first system. And the journey is just beginning...

I have had a (good for cycling) problem. Grow media has limestone, hence increases my pH. No hydroton or pumice over these latitudes.

But for the time being, I will just sit back and enjoy my first conquer!

PS: Went ahead and planted some herbs in the grow bed directly.

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