Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hi all!

I'm completely new to Aquaponics and decided to start it as more of a hobby but I think the bug has bitten...

I'm a tech geek by nature so I thought I'd share some modifications to the home system I've started building. It's a basic IBC chop and flip system. 800L fish tank with the remainder of the IBC making up the Grow Bed.

Since I work far from home I wanted a way to possibly control the water pump and even monitor temperature so I decided to install some Sonoff wireless on/off switches (with a built in timer) a power consumption meter from Sonoff as well as a Sonoff temperature gauge - all accessible from my smart phone.

The attached diagram shows the layout. What this allows me to do is set a timer on the water pump, check on the FT temp and even monitor how much power is being used, all from my phone.

I'll update with more pics after the weekend

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