Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

If you had a choice to set up AP system anywhere in the US.. Where would it be? Maybe you would want to start a business up like me. Maybe just for yourself.. Im struggling with wether to stay in DFW, and hope that Denton Tx. will have enough green consciences individuals to keep my biz a float. However some of my friends in other states are trying to coax me to go to them. One of those places is Reno NV. I have my doubts.. Inputs? Opinions? 2 cents? Pearls of Wisdom? 

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Hi Ryan,

I am sorry for my bad english to i start to think to relocate.

I am from Italy and business with aquaponic colture just started,will be a plenty romm but real estate it's very expensive and taxes very hight.

I have worked for 7 years in Romania and i own some property overthere...nex yars i will move to that country

Lands and house are very cip,very few people already start aquaponic business and i think will be a very interesting venture.

A lot  of people like to buy fresh vegetable and fish.

Look forward for who like to discuss on thi subject.


Congratulations guys. This has to be the most entertaining thread on this forum. Where indeed is Ryan now. You can always tell when someone has never run a business before. Usually it is the first words that come out of their mouths. I want more!  Of course you never know. There is that 1% chance.

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