Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


I'm a newbie here and new to Aquaponics gardening, in fact I'm getting ready to build my first  system in couple weeks. So to everyone who lives in Sacrament area, let me know if you have any of the following items for sale or give away.

1in PVC pipe

1000gph pump

1in bulkheads

1/2in bulkheads

Plumbing stuff


let me know maybe we can work out a deal I'm on a budget :)


other that that have a happy labor day weekend and be safe everyone



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Welcome to the world of AP.

Check out the BUY /SELL link at the top.


Hi Tim,

Welcome to aquaponics and to this forum!  You might want to check out the Sacramento Aquaponics group here (under Groups in the green banner at the top of the page).  100+ folks there...

Best wishes with your aquaponics system.  Congrats on getting started!  Big step, not everyone does it.  How's the progress coming?  I don't have a lot to offer you from your wish list, unfortunately.


Paul Trudeau
joezbro at gmail dot com
ps   please forgive the lateness of this welcome…pressing family matters recently, have been away from online aquaponics world more than usual…

Hello Alex and Paul,

I still have a few more things to buy, Sunday is my "big day" :) hopefully I won't run into any troubles. I'll definitely need your expertise in the near future. Will post up some pictures on Sunday night.


Have a great weekend everyone!



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