Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hello everyone, I am a long time gardener , outdoor and greenhouse and the happy owner of two small 300 gallon ponds that I have had for 20 plus years. I have just set up a small system in the basement using horse troughs as grow bed and fish tank. I am using some of my pond fish for now and am cycling getting ready to plant. My plan is to fool around with this set up this winter and than tie into my outdoor ponds with grow beds in the greenhouse in the spring. I am getting in to the vintage age and like the idea of waist high gardening. Thanks for letting me join. 

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Hi Sally,

Thanks for coming. Hope you're as excited as I was when i started the other day! Please continue to let us know what's happening as you go along, if possible some pictures will go a long way, and besides, it a good way to show off your AP skills!

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