New to Aquaponics and just building my first system. I'm having trouble figuring out if wA folks are keeping talipia and where they get them as they are "restricted"by the WAfish & game and no "regulated suppliers are listed. Anyone out there in WA I could talk to who is doing this. A washington community perhaps? Michael in Seattle
You should join the group: Northwest Aquaponics, here on the aquaponics community. This would narrow down your audience and get a quicker response, rather than wallow in the threads while someone has to seek out your thread to answer it. To your question, I did not know that tilapia was restricted, honestly; I've grown them before. The school I go to uses tilapia from a aquacultural facility in New Mexico I do know, however, that unless you want to heat your tank and you have a greenhouse, you should probably go with a more cold tolerant fish.Then again, are you doing this inside, and where inside?