Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

hey gang is there any kind of notification on the home page or elsewhere that will let you know if you have any new replies on all the different groups.  It would sure help if you had some kind of alert to let yu know that you have new replys that you haven't read yet.  I find this forum a little difficult to use, but I am an "old fart" so go figure!

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Dale, you should receive an email notification when someone has posted on a group you belong to.   Also when you reply to a discussion, you should automatically get an email notifying you that someone else has replied as well.  If you would like to follow any other discussions, you can go to that page and scroll down and click "Follow".  As far as a notification on the home page, the news feed does reel when any new comments are made however it probably ticks by a bit fast to really keep up there.  Just look for those emails and that should keep you up to speed! 
You might need to adjust your settings, so when you are signed in look to the right sidebar and there is a box under your name in the sidebar that gives you options like sign out, inbox, alerts, friends, and settings.  Click settings and then on the left you can click e-mail and there you can change the check boxes so that you will get the e-mails you want.

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