Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hello Aquaponic Gardening Community!  We've been lurkers here for over a year and met a few of you and gleaned some really great info that helped us get to where we are now.  We went "live" on Facebook a 2 weeks ago and so thought it was a good time to share with you guys as well.  Be gentle, we're vets in the world of people with disabilities not Aquaponics.

Check us out and give us a "LIKE" on Facebook!

Change lives and improve your community by eating healthier with the Green Water Garden
Using sustainable business to serve those most marginalized by society.
Green Water Garden is about creating opportunity for the marginalized. We don't hire people to grow food, we grow food to hire people. (Rephrased w/respect to Fr. "G" Boyle) 

We are a supported employment program utilizing aquaponics to grow the freshest produce and fish. We hire folks who want to work but may need a more sensitive environment to thrive.

The result of this combination is a fantastic value proposition for consumers by producing the freshest, organic, sustainable and locally grown produce and fish in Santa Cruz County and gainful employment for some of the most marginalized groups in our society.

To be a part of this all you need to do is consider Green Water Garden produce when you are at your local grocer or restaurant. Every time you choose to patronize Green Water Garden produce or fish your hard earned dollar not only buys you the best food available it also directly lifts up the those in your community who deserve it the most.

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