Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I wanted to take a minute and say THANK YOU to every person in this community! Its astounding and exciting to see just how many people are waking up to the fact that the industrialized food industry has to change. Seeing the numbers grow in this community gives me hope for a brighter future. Everyone here is a pioneer in the food revolution happening right now. Please keep up whatever you are doing from growing a few veggies to building a massive organic grow operation. Together we can change this world. Much Love and respect to everyone! Thanks again!

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Or change your own household, at least and maybe part of your block.

We can do it one person at a time.  I second the motion that this community has and will continue to make a difference.  Mahalo Nui Loa to Sylvia for stepping out and going for it.  You have changed our lives because of this community.  We would never know of the amount of people that are doing what we are doing.  Like Aqua Botanical says it doesn't matter if you are a huge commercial operation or someone growing lettuce out of their aquarium you are making a difference. 

Kudos to all who are members here.

OCTOBER 16 is World Food Day!!!  What a great time to share what you are doing and selling with the food you produce!

How about offering some to the local food bank, if they can take it, and get on the local news as a caring and giving business!!

Aquaponics can be a great way to share about growing food that makes a difference!

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