Aquaponic Gardening

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When my fish had their first batch of babies several got into my sump through the bridge siphon, which was a great spot for them to grow and not get eaten by the adults.

Now however I'm having issues with the now fingerlings trying to swim the wrong way through the bridge siphon and getting stuck which besides killing them, is stopping the siphon and on two occasions causing the main tank to overflow.  This is an indoor system so it caused quite the mess.

My bridge is made with 1" pipe

Any suggestions on on ways to prevent them from getting in without affecting the flow of waste from the tank to sump? I used nylons as a filter when I first got my fish to prevent them from going through the bridge but that just clogged the siphon and stopped all water floor, also causing a flood

As a preventative I am thinking about adding in a 2nd bridge as a fail safe, but I haven't decided if I should go up or down in size or keep it the same

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Some kind of screen might help keep them from entering the pipe...

You can make your own, or buy one from any hydroponics store (commonly made to fit either 1/2 or 3/4" pipe you'd need an adapter. (a reducer...1" SLIP on the one side and FPT [Female Pipe Thread] on the 3/4" side)...

Or, cut the threads off and just duct tape it to your pipe...

Or, make one with a coat hanger (or what ever frame) and a couple layers of bird screening and some hose clamps...


If you do build a second bridge (not a bad idea) what's to keep the fry from getting into the same trouble there, without some protection?

How about a "hinged" screen that allows them into your sump for rearing but does not allow them back in the other way? This is assuming you want them in your sump?

Vlad, didn't I read somewhere that duct tape has is poisonous to fish?

There is a chemical compound (diflouroethane)  used in some brands of duct tape (not all), and that chemical is toxic to fish at certain concentrations. Sorta how potassium chloride (KCl) is on the one hand used to execute prisoners on death row, while on the other hand it is also sold in health food stores as a healthier alternative to regular table salt (sodium chloride, NaCl). I and some other folks have had duct tape in the water with no obvious ill effects, but you could always use the 'non-toxic', or 'green' brand product lines...or aquarium safe teflon tape or whatever...

Jim Fisk said:

How about a "hinged" screen that allows them into your sump for rearing but does not allow them back in the other way? This is assuming you want them in your sump?

Vlad, didn't I read somewhere that duct tape has is poisonous to fish?


Will there be any issue using metal hose claps?  They are not galvanized but I am not sure exactly what they are made out of.  Nickle perhaps

They may very likely be 201 grade stainless steel (developed to be a cheaper stainless steel alternative to the 301 and 304 grades. So it's super skimpy on the Nickel). Many less expensive SS  items (like non-galv hose clamps) use this grade of stainless steel, which incidentally, was created to conserve Nickel.

Any markings that say ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) A240 or A666 on the packaging or clamp would certainly be indicative of 201 grade stainless steel. (even without any visible markings I'm willing to bet that, that is what they are made from, provided they are not the galvanized carbon steel type...which you said they weren't)...

No, I can't see any realistic issues cropping up. 

I went ahead and added the bird netting on both ends of my bridge which helped with the fish, but slowed down the water flow a bit.  I've since added a 2d bridge as well, capping the pvc and then drilling holes in the caps and cutting slits into the feet as well.  Together they've solved the problems with the fish and reduced water flow

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