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I need some Tilapia for my system but I cannot find it locally and do not really want to spend the money on ordering some, so I went to the Nueces River down in Corpus Christi to try to catch some. There has been an introduction of tilapia in the rivers in South Texas!

So here are the two fish that I caught below. Can anyone identify them as Tilapia or not? Thanks a lot!!!

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first one looks like a centrarchid of some kind. not sure about the second one--maybe a tilapia for all I know.

So I followed your centrarchid lead and i believe that the first fish is a spotted sunfish. Good eye!!

Okay, since no one else is jumping in, I'll be honest and say that fish #2 does not look like a tilapia (or any cichlid) to me. My first thought was white perch, but since I don't think they're in Texas, the closest thing would be a white bass. If you kept it, see if stripes develop.

Okay Jeffrey I have to agree with your last assessment, neither of those look like a baby tilapia. Below are some pics of what they should look like.


I've seen a lot of people in that identify fish for people.  You may have better luck over there.

Try this guy ... he is in Florida.  Since I can't find any Tilapia Hatcheries or Wholesalers here in Michigan I am going to have to go to him. 1st ... Don't ask him too much as he just wants to sell fish and is not the nicest person I have talked to, BUT, he has the full line of Fish, even Hybrids, and boasts His are the best tasting ... that probably means you have to buy his pellets also ... but I make my own Recipes

Use his Stock pics to see what you have.  His "fingerlings" were on sale for $0.99 each for 100 in a box and shipping to Michigan was $89.00.  You are closer but his Fingerlings are too big now so he says he can probably get 70 to a box at $2.00 each. It is a good site for Tilapia info.

Good Luck

SORRY ... old age setting in ... I forgot to give his info ...  ... 

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