Aquaponic Gardening

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I tried this as a blog post but didn't get much response.  I'm looking for some feedback on fish growth rates for an upcoming article I'm supposed to write.  There's not much on the internet about this, and I haven't raised all the fish through their whole life cycles.  Can anyone tell me if the grow-out timetable below makes sense based on your experience with these fish types?

The following table illustrates the most common options for growing fish in this area.  A “season” describes the warm season or the cool season, each six months of the year.

By way of explanation, I count a “grow-out season” as one in which the water temperature stays warm or cold enough for the fish to grow.  If the water temperature drops below 60, for example, perch, catfish, and bass won’t grow but will survive.  So that doesn’t count as a season for them, unless you heat your water much warmer. Make sense? Most fish get groovy in the warm season and comatose in the cold, while trout (and Norwegians) do the opposite. 

Aquaponic Fish Growth Rates

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