Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hello Folks!

           I work with an organization called YWAM (youth with a mission). YWAM is a non profit Christian missions organization for people that are over 18 and looking to get into missions around the world. There are hundreds of YWAM bases all over the world. Year round, schools are held here on base and people from all around the world come to attend them.

          We have a farm here on the YWAM base that I live on in Los Angles. We have 5 different aquaponic systems (raft and gravel), chickens, composting, gardens, ect. We use this to educate schools that go out into developing countries where there are injustices such as starvation and poverty. They take the training the receive from the Farm, here at the base, and are able to help teach people in those developing countries different agricultural practices.

           For ever school, one group is sent to build an aquaponic system for a family in the developing country that they are going to. We have developed a simple, affordable, and easy to build aquaponic system, that has proven to be successful in 3rd world nations. As overseer of the farm, I feel that God has a heart for this system to be taken out to these countries where the people are starving and poor, and leave something tangible for them to use to help them live a better and healthy life.

           Ever summer we hold week long aquaponic seminars where we teach on the system and actually build and run one here on base. The seminar will be taught by a professional aquaponics expert who has taken this system all around the world where it is changing lives even up to this day. All are welcome to come to the seminar. There is way more information about this on our website . The dates are still to be decided, but they will be up sometime within the next month. There will be two basic Primary courses, one in the spring and one in the summer, and there will be a secondary course in the fall. For any further information or questions you can email me. My email address is

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Noah,  I'm not an expert by any means--but i've worked with youth (14-21 year olds) for years.  If you wanted to get something started on the east coast, I might be able to help.  Just a thought...

well, for now I am stationed here in Los Angeles, but I am originally from Maryland. My goal is to one day start something back on the east coast. Perhaps one day we could put something together!
Robert J said:

Noah,  I'm not an expert by any means--but i've worked with youth (14-21 year olds) for years.  If you wanted to get something started on the east coast, I might be able to help.  Just a thought...

Has anybody read "When Helping Hurts" by Steve Corbett? Helping hurting people always makes me think of that book. If you do charity or ministry of any kind, it's a must read :)

absolutely, its sitting on my night stand. i havent finished it but you are right, its a great read specificaly for the ministry that i am involved with.

Just read your post. That sounds like an awesome mission. I have visions of doing something similar here in Texas. It would be cool to set up all over the country.

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