Aquaponic Gardening

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Does anyone grow cold water loving fish (trout, walleye)? More questions below.

I'm planning a system and want to grow trout or walleye which are cold water loving fishies. How do the plants germinate and grow if they are warm weather loving plants?  Do you have 2 systems with different water temperatures and 2 fish types (one warm, one cold)?  Is the warmer ambient air temperature enough to promote good germination and growth?

My preference is to germinate directly in the beds as much as possible.

Thanks in advance!

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I think you should study up on your fish.  

The ideal temperature for Walleye culture is something like 73F - 75F; which is supposedly too hot for many types of lettuce and other greens.

Rainbow Trout is supposed to be raised in water colder than 68F, which isn't really "cold" for growing most vegetables if you germinate them in separate warmer area.


Thanks for the articles! I'll be reading them today. I have done some research on fish and what I found indicated walleye like cold water similar to trout which is why I was considering them both.

My past efforts at germinating seeds in the little starter pots hasn't been very successful so I was planning to germinate directly in the grow bed as much as possible. This is why I was concerned about the water temperature. If the ambient air temperature is enough, that's well and good.  ANyway, need to read the articles first before talking any more!!  Many thanks!

yellow perch are a "cool water" species that will do well in AP.. similar to walleye temp requirements, easier to feed train and with advanced fingerlings (4"-5") will grow out in a year


Yes Keith!  Good call, I was just going to suggest she look into yellow lake perch. We have a supplier here in Wisconsin. Dottie where are you located?

Currently in San Francisco and without a system. We're planning to relocate but haven't settled on a location yet. Research phase. I'm not crazy about yellow perch and neither is hubby. I'd prefer trout for cold water fish. Thanks, anyway!!

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