Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners


Well am just new to aquaponic(have yet to start) So am just trying to get as much information as possible to be versatile with the subject.

Really Really great website got loads of interesting information...

However, In one aspect that I am experiencing some difficulties in getting information is about whether in aquaponic we have disease problems? 
And if so do we get production losses with diseases in the plants and fish?
And what treatments are available for the diseases in the plants and fish?

I would be very grateful if anyone could guide me or send me some articles concerning the subject. 


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If you are talking backyard scale things will be different than commercial scale.

Backyard scale, sometimes you just start over if a major disease strikes.  Salt can be used to treat some issues with fish and if you have a second system then quarantine of new fish in one system may be a good idea.  Also a salt dip can sometimes head of issues with new fish.  With plants one is also limited as to what one can use.  Now the worst plant disease problems of hydroponics don't seem to be a common issue in aquaponics.  Some fungus can strike but potassium bicarbonate seems to be a good cure against some of those (and might also be kept on hand for buffering the pH up while also providing potassium.)  So far I've never done anything to deal with any other "diseases" in plants.  There are only a few things you can really do against pests but at least caterpillars are fairly easy to deal with.

ok thanks TCLynx for the has been helpful.

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