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Now I'm living  in Auburn, AL.. I really want to see the commercial aquaponics here,but I cannot find. Who can tell me about this? Thanks. 

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First off, welcome to Alabama. I'm a transplant myself and live in the Southeast region near Dothan, and a couple hours south of Montgomery. I've ran across a few resources for buying fingerling and breeder colony Tilapia in this state but am unaware of any successful commercial aquaponic farms in the state.

According to the Premier Organic Farms website, they have plans of expanding into Alabama. I'll be following your post since I am also interested in commercial aquaponics farms/resources here in the Yellowhammer state. Right now I'm a beginner with plans for a home system designed around access for my grandchildren. I've constructed a 200 gallon fish tank and will begin construction of the grow beds after January. I'm hoping to have all the bugs worked out and have the system cycled and ready for production by Spring, Although right now I'm still trying to figure out what size pump I need for a 200 gallon ebb and flow system with a six foot lift to the grow beds.

All the best to you. Since you live in the area, Auburn University may have information on aquaponics in within the State.

Dear James, 

Thank you so much for your information. It is great that the Premier Organic Farms have plans of expanding into Alabama. I look forward to seeing it.  Actually, I am an Auburn University student. Here, at the research station we have one system for the experiment as well as research only. I was told that  there is one in West AL, but I'm not sure where it is. I've just moved to live here from Cambodia.

All the best to you and your grandchildren with your new system in spring. 


James Stratton said:

First off, welcome to Alabama. I'm a transplant myself and live in the Southeast region near Dothan, and a couple hours south of Montgomery. I've ran across a few resources for buying fingerling and breeder colony Tilapia in this state but am unaware of any successful commercial aquaponic farms in the state.

According to the Premier Organic Farms website, they have plans of expanding into Alabama. I'll be following your post since I am also interested in commercial aquaponics farms/resources here in the Yellowhammer state. Right now I'm a with plans for a home designed around access for my grandchildren. I've constructed a 200 gallon fish tank and will construction of the grow beds after January. I'm hoping to have all the bugs worked out and have the system cycled and ready for production by Spring, Although right now I'm still trying to figure out what size pump I need for a 200 gallon ebb and flow system with a six foot lift to the grow beds.

All the best to you. Since you live in the area, Auburn University may have information on aquaponics in within the State.

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