Certified Naturally Grown (CNG) is excited to announce that our draft certification standards for aquaponic operations have been released for public review. CNG has been working in consultation with an Aquaponics Advisory Councilto develop a new program to certify aquaponics operations. The draft CNG aquaponics standards are posted at www.cngfarming.org/aquaponics.
We are seeking feedback on the standards from diverse perspectives, including aquaponic producers, researchers, soil-based farmers, and interested members of the public. We are collecting feedback via an online survey, available on online on the same webpage /span>http://www.cngfarming.org/aquaponics> where you can find the draft standards. The public review period will be open until Monday, October 12. CNG anticipates the new aquaponics certification program will launch by January, 2016. Sign up to receive updates on the program's development at www.cngfarming.org/aquaponics.
* * * * About Certified Naturally Grown: CNG offers peer-review certification to farmers and beekeepers who work in harmony with nature to produce food for their local communities. CNG was founded by farmers in 2002. Today there are more than 750 CNG certified producers in 48 states nationwide. They are all listed at www.cngfarming.org