Aquaponic Gardening

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I was given 10 buri fish  as a present which I have with my koi  but I dont know anything about them (buri).Does anybody have any info about them . All I can say is that they are getting on well with the koi.

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are you sure on the fish type as Buri is a japanese salt water fish 

Hi Andrew  yes it is a buri & yes it was a salt water fish .they are farmed here in israel.Im having great difficulty getting more info about them.In case you wondering why I dont contact the kibbutz that farming them it is simply that they don't  supply to the local market & they are secretive about it.

andrew namiki robert said:

are you sure on the fish type as Buri is a japanese salt water fish 

If its the same Buri that is in japan and here in hawaii its more commonly called a skip jack, you have any photos i can see ?

Ignore my last post i found what it is:

Many thanks Andrew  .In south africa we called them harders
but being out of SA for 18 years I had totally forgotten.They a nice eating fish though
andrew namiki robert said:

Ignore my last post i found what it is:

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