Aquaponic Gardening

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Has anyone used blue block in their system to stop algae growth it is said to be safe for plants and fish

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They use that stuff at golf courses and the percolation ponds around here. I've caught huge bass out of those ponds so I don't think it hurts the fish. Find the MSDS sheet on it and check it out.


I put some in the tote its a nice shade of blue green but I noticed the fish like it they like to come closer to the top of the tank now


I am using aquaponics to get away from all the additives that are in our food today. I think shade is a safer alternative to adding anything to prevent or slow the growth of algae. Not saying your blue block is unsafe. I have no idea what it is.

it used in ponds just to block the uv rays  harnless to fish  i got shade from the top but with a tote i have nothing on the sides



Are you sure the fish like it ?

Stressed fish may come closer to the top also.

Nick Rizzo said:

I put some in the tote its a nice shade of blue green but I noticed the fish like it they like to come closer to the top of the tank now


I would use a grey spray paint primer on the sides of the tote and after it dries I would paint it white.

The gray would block the sunlight and the white would keep your tote cooler.

Can you post a picture, website or ingredients and actual name for it.


The one I found contains these ingredients:

Copper sulfate pentahydrate 1.02%, diuron 0.51% and other ingredients 98.47%.
Storage and disposal: Store in an area inaccesible to children, water supplies and feed.


This is not good at all and could kill your fish over a long period of time. Not only that, I would not eat those fish.

It stated that it is save for fish and plant and used for ornamental ponds. ( Not a food save product )

Copper sulfate is used as a root killer.

98.47 % is listed as other ingredients and this is a mystery what is in it.



Ohh, no.........I am glad you used the diluted form and hope you did not put more in it than it said per instructions.

After checking the  Drain Care(R) Root Kill

Active ingredients:

Copper sulfate pentahydrate  99.00% (Cristal form)

Other ingredients 1.00%

This product is toxic to fish. Direct application of product to water may cause a significant reduction in populations of aquatic invertebrate, plants and fish ( statement on container)

It is also corrosive.

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