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What are the best low-cost, poor-man's pipes to use in an NFT system?

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I guess it depends how long you want your pipes to go.

I asked a plumber that was at our place what they do with leftover pipes and he told me they just throw them away.

So if you don't need to go really long then contact a local plumber and get some leftovers.

We also have a recycle place here in Hawaii that has pipes we can buy for cheap.

I guess your next best bet would be some rain gutters it you just don't want to spend the money to get the 10 feet of pipe from the hardware store.

If you do go the PVC pipe route I would recommend going with 3 or 4 inch pipes.

I used 2" pipes and they just didn't work well once you got plants with roots in there

Okay, thanks.

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