Can anybody tell me what is wrong with my bell peppers! Does it look like stink bug bites like we see on our tomatoes? does any body know how to get rid of stink bugs without harming my fish?
Looks like of anthracnose. (Stink bugs are known to carry some diseases, I don't believe that anthracnose is one of them though...but you can check on that).
BER (Blossom End Rot) looks a lot like that on sweet peppers as well, but the coincentric circles point to anthracnose or a very similar fungal pathogen (it is possible to have BER and anthracnose at the same time).
Not much you can do about it at this point but pull the plants, and just try again...and take better care to provide for the plants (GH hygene, anti-fungal protection etc)...
Good luck...
It looks more like sun scald to me. It might be easier to tell the cause by seeing a photo of when the damage wasn't as advanced.
Since stink bugs have no mouth parts (as we think of them), they insert their proboscis below the surface of fruit and then feed, they are difficult to bait kill without being repopulated soon after. So light trapping them is probably the best way to control them.
The above video(not mine),shows a type of trap similar to what I made in 2012 for about $11.00. If anyone makes or prices one, please let me know today's cost.
Note that live ladybugs or other beneficial insects can be released unharmed or mostly undamaged. And of course my trout love live fresh insects.
I hope this helps.
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