Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Are there any commercial Aquaponics operations close to the Upstate of South Carolina?

I have searched everywhere for a commercial operation near (within 3, 4, or even 5 or 6 hours drive) me. I am in the Upstate (NW corner) of South Carolina. It is about halfway between Atlanta, GA and Charlotte, NC. Do
you know of any commercial (someone making a living from Aquaponics) operation
in my area?

I first want to make sure I am not going to step on anyone’s toes.  Everyone here has been so helpful and I would not want to interfere with a fellow Aquapon’s business.

I am just starting my research into the viability of a commercial Aquaponics operation in this area. I would also like to visit and take my girlfriend (future wife and business partner) to see one before we go
much farther.

I have been interested in Hydroponics for a long time and Aquaponics for the last 5 or so years. I am now out of the military and looking for something to start and grow into a full time career.

I found this site about 10 hours ago and have now spent the whole day (and will probably spend the rest of the night) digesting and soaking up all of the fantastic information and following the great leads. I am totally
obsessed with Aquaponics and see it one of the great break troughs in food
production and sustainable agriculture.

Thank you for all of the help and information
all of you have provided thus far. Any help and direction will be much
appreciated and I will reciprocate as soon as I can. I look forward giving back
as soon as I can.

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I am installing a commercial system in Northern Virginia in the near future. Wh had hoped to start construction on a 90 X 180 ft greenhouse in the early fall, but that had to be set back to spring of next year. We will have two experimenal units up and running by that time. One unit will be four 300 gal systems and the other will be two 1000 gal systems.
The commercial unit will be twelve 1000 fal tanks and two 5000 gal tanks feeding raft systems.
We are just startin g up our first commercial system here in Brooksville, Fl. We took our training with Friendly Aquaponics in Hawaii. They have a very successful commercial system that we are replicating and expanding on.

Joseph, I am located in MD and would like to learn about aquaponics.  Is it possible for my wife and I to visit with you and look at your systems.  My goal is to have a commercial aquaponic enterprise in NC.  I hope to start work later this year and realize that all the information I can get may save me from making mistakes.




Bob Segravevs-Collis


Joseph Orlando said:

I am installing a commercial system in Northern Virginia in the near future. Wh had hoped to start construction on a 90 X 180 ft greenhouse in the early fall, but that had to be set back to spring of next year. We will have two experimenal units up and running by that time. One unit will be four 300 gal systems and the other will be two 1000 gal systems.
The commercial unit will be twelve 1000 fal tanks and two 5000 gal tanks feeding raft systems.

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