Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I recently stayed with a friend in Brazil who has a big property right next to the rain forest with 3 ponds of Artesian Water.  

Would pumping right from an actual pond, not a fish tank or man made pond, work for an AP System?  Has anyone even done something like this?  

I was wondering if there would be enough ammonia and what not to grow the bacteria in the system?  

There are fish in the pond but it's not stocked to be 1 lb of fish for every 5-10 gallons of water or anything like that.  

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I've seen this done and working fine. I suppose you wouldn't be raising fish to eat--at least fish that were not in the pond.  Or frogs or turtles or crayfish or whatever floats your plants. ;)


I also saw a video on youtube: the AP system was in the back yard in Australia.  It was connected to a fish tank and a pond.

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