Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hi Every one:)

I am trying to get my aquaponics system up and running. Where I live we can get gravel however it is limestone and from what I researched limestone affects the pH significantly.

Hydroton is one of the best, but it is so expensive especially to ship it to the Caribbean.

I have been checking up on some alternative media such as Perlite, rockwool and sure to grow and many more such like these

Can someone please let me know if they used suretogrow and how it has worked for them?

I purchase some aquaponic plans online which were very detailed and also encouraged and recommended this site. However many of the items may be cheap in the USA but not when they arrive especially after shipping and various taxes.

I have seen some systems made from wood and lined with plastic. 
Is it possible that I can have the name or type of plastic which is used so I can line the grow beds and a tank. 

That would significantly reduce some of the expenses.

Thank you very much

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Durascrim liner is the white stuff.

I would avoid perlite.

I've tested a little bit of suretogrow but not sure if it would be appropriate as a long term media in auqpaonics outdoors.  It is kinda meant as a one use stuff.

Being on an island, you might want to do reasarch into Floating Raft aquaponics or DWC since many people will use coir as the media in the net pots and the bio-filtraiton often happens in a tank full of netting.  they use the lined troughs fill of water and float the foam boards on top with the plants in the net pots in holes in the foam boards.  Lots of extra aeration is usually required for such systems but they seem to work very well for the University of the Virgin Islands on St Croix.

Thank you TCLynx.

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