Aquaponic Gardening

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I have Catfish, Walleye, Bass, Bluegill, and a variety of minnows and gold fish...  Weather has turned cold and even with my heater, water temp is running below 60..  Mostly in the high 50s.  How do you adjust your feed patterns for the cold temps.  When the water temp is in the 80's I feed the system about a half cup of feed per day.  70's a quarter cup seems to work well.  Thoughts for 60s and 50s?

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I have black bullhead catfish, and I'm feeding them whole anchovies (frozen and thawed--leftover from fishing trips). They take longer to digest their food, but they have the same appetite as always. Instead of feeding daily, I feed once every three days.

yellow perch and bluegill will continue feeding, even if a pond is frozen over, but a good thing to do is to hydrate your pellets... hydrating the pellets will help make digestion easier when the fish's metabolism slows down

as for how much to feed.. when you feed, just make sure there aren't any "leftovers" after 15-20 minutes

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