Aquaponic Gardening

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All Discussions Tagged 'buffer' (7)

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Eggshells And Calcium

So, about eggshells...... 1) Eggshells are used as a pH buffer in aquaponics systems, but what does using eggshells bring your pH levels to…

Started by Alex Veidel

3 Oct 19, 2014
Reply by George

Eggshells and pH

I don't know if this is the cause, but I recently added a small bag of dried, crushed eggshells to my aquaponic system, and now my pH dropp…

Started by Alex Veidel

5 Aug 8, 2014
Reply by Alex Veidel

Just can't get the water buffered!

Hi! I'm Connie and I haven't posted in quite awhile. Our system is an IBC, 220 gal with 2 grow beds, 20 half grown tilapia (born in our tan…

Started by Connie

6 May 21, 2014
Reply by Keith Rowan

Acidity Buffer

I'm familiar with using eggshells or seashell grit to buffer your system against a gradual increase in acidity, but I'm wondering, are ther…

Started by Alex Veidel

2 Dec 26, 2013
Reply by Alex Veidel


Has anyone used Kalkwasser in aquaponics? It is designed specifically for use in marine applications and according to the label is is pure…

Started by Benjamin Udy - Super Genius

54 Dec 12, 2013
Reply by Steve R

A Soluble, Safe, and Effective Buffer

Hey All!   I've been doing a fishless cycle for about 3 weeks so far, but I've noticed that my tap water is not buffered. My pH is pretty s…

Started by Bill

3 Nov 12, 2011
Reply by TCLynx

Mined / harvested supplements

Browsing around on a local web page, I found a new product (for me) with potential use as a pH buffer in aquaponics.  It is called "Red Sea…

Started by Kobus Jooste

2 May 10, 2011
Reply by Kobus Jooste


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