Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Russel Workman
  • Lakeland, FL
  • United States
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Russel Workman's Friends

  • mid falasco

Russel Workman's Page

Profile Information

How did you find us?
Aquaponic Gardening Book
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
flood and drain media, raft, combination
How old is your system?
Less than 6 months
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
Catfish, Other
How big is your fish tank?
1000 litre
Name a part of a fish (spam blocking question)
Please tell us something else about yourself.
Retired Law Enforcement Officer and entrepreneur. Recently sold a mosquito control business in Florida. Looking for my next adventure I discovered Aquaponics. I spent approximately 6 months studying the material I could find and visited the girls at Green Acre during "View de Tanks" this year. I built the first home system (& 10x12 greenhouse)over the summer. I was recently asked to build a teaching model at two local Christian Schools. I have volunteered my time to this venture. As the schools raise money to build their systems I have been "teaching the teacher(s)" about the system operation. Trying to come up with curriculum for the k-12 schools. Students will be given extra credit for participating and we expect to teach them not only self preservation but "How to" run a business using the system and the vegetables. The fish will be for fundraisers etc... I currently have Perch, Speckeled Catfish, Warmouth and Shiners in the system. We inadvertently got frogs in the system, LOL, the eggs and tadpoles have become quite a tasty snack for the fish.

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At 2:32pm on November 4, 2013, mid falasco said…

I could see how this could become an addiction ,(tried to leave a message on your wall but don't think it went through ,so I repeat )Melbourne is closer than Tampa for me and the prices are similar ,I tried a few concrete batch plants but no one has any expanded shale at them .My system takes up a 5' x 8' space in my barn ,it is one ibc 250 gal tank with top part for grow bed and two half barrel beds with 100 gal sump tank made from two barrels ,it will be continuous flow kind of chop system that Silvia describes in her book but the beds will drain to fish tank ,then to sump by overflow in ft .I spent a lot of time researching ,reading and youtubing and am getting tired of sourcing shale so I will probably end up buying it from Melbourne .I'm a bit upset at the cost of it but that's the way it goes ,I'll give it till Wednesday before I go down to get it .I currently have about 225.00 tied up in it and am looking forward to start cycling it .I do appreciate yours and everyone else's help on this site and I am sure I will be needing more advice ,so thanks again and I will keep all posted on progress . 

At 3:42am on November 4, 2013, mid falasco said…

Thank you ,I will go to there sites

At 3:40am on November 4, 2013, mid falasco said…

Hello Russel ,how long have you been doing aquaponic gardening ?do you have a sizeable operation ? Lakeland is not to far from Deland ,I was trying to find an aquagarden close to Deland to visit and ask questions ,Do you know of any ?

thanks ,

Mid Falasco


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